Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

FYI If you click on the picture you can see it much larger.... kinda huge actually.

Here's Jack and Rose before they left for the dance last night. According to them they had an awesome time!

Here's the run down:

* Rose started the Train for a big group of girls.

* Jack and Rose's favorite dances were the Macarena and that McDonald's commercial song that goes "Slide to the right, Slide to the left"

* At one time during the dance Rose was on top of Jack's shoulders.

* They served a pineapple sprite punch that Rose said was great. (She ate a few tomatoes, strawberries, cheese, and grapes.)

* Rose ran around acting crazy with her pal Andreea.

* Jack talked to a few other dad's, but just enjoyed watching Rose do her thing.

* After the dance they went out for ice cream with Sophia and her Dad. Yes, Rose totally broke her Lenten "no sweets"promise, but Jack said that it was a special night. Hey, she's only 7.


Is it me or does Evie have the same expression on her face in all of her pictures???

Quick St. Patty's Day

Just wanted to share a quick St. Patrick's Day photo. Yesterday we marched in the Charlotte parade again. I, as usual, forgot the camera, so here is a post parade picture with us in our green. It's really just an excuse to take a picture of Evie with deelipopers on her head. Is that how you spell that word. Ho humm.

We had a good time. Rose would say she had a great time!

Evie and Lily

Lily and Evie hanging out in the Dora tent together. Lily was emphatic that Evie play with her.

Now that Evie is getting older it is fun to see how the girls are developing relationships with her. Lily does have more time with her because Rose is in school full time, so I get to write about them first.

Lily loves being the big sister SO much. Sometimes to much. Like yesterday when I was in the kitchen and Lily decides to get Evie out of the exersaucer by herself and bring Ev to me. Yeah. She waddled right up to me with Evie. So, I don't completely trust Lily to alone with the baby. But, for the most part she is so gentle and loving towards her. She'll get all the baby toys out and sit on the floor with Evie for 15 minutes and just play... laughing and smiling the entire time.
I hope that this joy continues for Lily. I know when Evie is more vocal and able to move around better she will be doing a lot of disturbing her big sisters. I'll take the joy for now, because it can't last forever.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Half a year with Evie

Evie is almost 6 months.... as promised here are some pictures that are current. We'll only 15 days old.

It's really impossible for me to believe that Evie has been in our lives for half a year. How have we grown with Evie?
* I've learned that the third child is so much easier. Jack and I don't stress the way we did with Rose and Lily.
*I've relearned that a human really doesn't need to have 6 hours of sleep to function. Just increments of two hours.
* My house is never ever as clean as I would like it to be. And I have not caught up on laundry yet! Heck who has time? And add the babies clothes to the mix; it honestly is just humorous.
* Lily and Rose are still enamored with Evie. I was told that her novelty would wear off... not here. Not yet.
* It's amazing how much you can love another child. I didn't think it was possible... but love grows.
* The same sleeping mistakes that I made with Rose and Lily are still the same mistakes that I make with Evie.
There are so many more, but it's time to make the beds. Hey, it's only 1 o'clock!
