Monday, September 15, 2008

The waiting game...

So, today is my official due date. The date that when asked from the grocery store clerk, "When's your due date?" I firmly answer September 15th. The date that you count down to. The date that for 9 full months you look to. That date that on the family calendar says... "Rose Hot Lunch" "Karate 6:00pm" "Bathroom Final Inspection 4:00pm" ... you see writing down "Baby Due" would be to permanent. And I know that nothing about babies arriving in this world could be written down on a calendar like all of the other appointments in my life. Honestly, how could it? So, as an expectant mother I wait by filling up the calendar and trying not to be to concrete about anything...

I feel fine no pains to really slow me down, well besides the 40 pounds I have gained. (That when lost, Lily is going to be in total shock that I can finally beat her in a race to the car. I'm so tired of being the rotten egg!) But, it's just the waiting game, the wondering game, the known fact that in a few days our lives will change. And wondering about all the beauties and struggles it will bring with it.

I have totally enjoyed my third pregnancy all the little and big kicks. The girls have been so sweet I will never forget their hands on my belly anxiously waiting for the baby to move. Or all of the kisses they've given to the baby. (They are at the perfect height to reach my belly for a kiss.) But, we are ready. And from all the calls from my family and friends they are ready... my brother Vern called yesterday asking about the baby. So, it must be serious now.

As for due dates. This one is almost over, and the C-section date is the 19th. Which I will be taking more seriously now. I honeslty, just want the safest and healthiest delivery possible. So, what does the calendar say for tomorrow? "Rose Mass- Wear Jumper" "Afternoon Playdate?"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Getting Ready for Baby

The dreaded snot sucker.... good thing Lily will help out with that. I hate to use it.

Rose learning the fine art of diapering a dalmation.

What a gentle holder!

In preparation for the baby our hospital offers a Big sister/ Big brother class. I did it mainly so the girls could see the room and the bed, and let their little minds know what was going on and what to expect. As you can see from the pictures they got to have a little crash test on what the experience will be like. They were so wide eyed and eager to do everything that I think the experience went very well. It is crazy to see all of the advancements that hospitals have made it just the last 4 years that we might as well take advantage.
With the countdown to the new baby just days away... 8 days to the due date as I write this... we all hold our breath with anxious anticipation. Knowing that each birthing experience is such a wild ride I have no idea honestly what to expect; much less after our newest little girl arrives what our lives will be like.
Right now my prayers are focused on a healthy baby with a safe delivery... but daily I pray that Rose and Lily embrace their new little sister... and that Jack and I can smile and laugh through the daily stuggles of a newborn.

Beach Vacation

Yep, that's my girl!

The girls playing some beach golf.

Stopping by the sea oats for a quick picture.

Our family....

So, another summer has come to it's official end. What a whirlwind! I know that we went to WV and the beach for a total of about three weeks, but for the rest of the time we really stayed put at home. The girls are really such a joy... they honestly are laid back and content to go to our neighborhood swimming pool for the afternoon and enjoy splashing in the hot NC sun. So, the beach was suprisingly easy this year. Rose loved loved boogie boarding, and thank goodness so does her Aunt Miki. Lily could find joy in a sandbucket and ankle water, and I was able to be a pregnant beached whale at the water's edge. The weather was beautiful and we have such a large family that comes to the beach there never was a shortage of conversation. Especially, when you get my Aunts and Uncles together... I honestly don't think there is a conversation topic that is taboo for them.... Political Candidates. Check. Religious Freedoms. Check. FEMA. Check. Teenage Growing Pains. Check. War. Check. What is the best beer to drinkat the beach? Check. (Jack's answer is Landshark. Uncle Franks is Coors Light any time.) Check. And where does one put a fart machine to impose maximum laughter. Check.
Needless to say I enjoy my week at the beach not only for the awesome view and relaxing beach time, but for the ever changing dynamics of family! Until next year.