Friday, June 27, 2008

Strawberry Pickin'

One of my favorite things to do with the girls is strawberry pickin'. There are so many great farms in the area that allow you to buy a bucket and fill it with those sweet berries that we take full advantage. This year was our best pickin' yet. The weather was great... not to hot with lots of sunshine, and as an added bonus both girls were totally into it. In years past Lily was more of a curious on looker that would run through the patch like Godzilla and create her own strawberry stomping that was a little more resembling of the infamous "I Love Lucy" grape stomping episode rather than a utopian "Sound of Music" the hills are alive scene that I had romantically concocted in my brain. But, this year we all had buckets and plenty of red, ripe strawberries to taste test our harvest. After, the girls played checkers outdoors and drank orange Crush. Which in my book is definition of a perfect afternoon! Enjoy the pics...

Kindergarten Graduation

Well, our sweet girl has offically graduated from Kindergarten. What a fun and exciting year. It is hard to believe that time has flown so quickly and my baby is going to school. Don't get me wrong I don't want her to stay a baby forever. I love watching her grow, learn, and just have a zest for life in her own spunky way. It's just that it all goes so darn fast, doesn't it? It's probably the pregnancy hormones kickin' in, but during her graduation ceremony her principal delivered a little speech about how the next time we blink they will be driving, going on dates, going to dances... and I got choked up. I feel that that is ten years away hold the phone let'em grow-up slowly. And I know there is no stopping time, but I just want to savor time a little bit especially while she still wants me to hug her, read to her, play with her, and have a bed time snuggle. Being a parent is such a delicate balancing act when to let go? when to hold back? But, I guess its mostly just holding on and enjoying the wild ride.

What a Spring!

Spring has been very busy as anyone can see with my lack of blogging, but I've a bit of time and have pictures downloaded. Finally. Our computer is extremely slow. So, welcome summer and more fun... but just to recap our spring.... here we go.