Sunday, April 27, 2008

Family Walks

Ok I'm a romantic..... it's Sunday early evening last week and the weather was beautiful. You know 70 degrees, a slight breeze, and just sunny. So, I recommend to my husband that a family walk would be great. He agrees.
In my mind this is how I picture the walk. Rose cautiously riding her bike along with us as Lily patiently sits in her stroller and enjoys the sights of the neighborhood. I am walking the dog as my husband and I have a wonderful conversation about how ideal our life is.
But, this is not my life. In fact, I know it's not any body's life I know. Yet, I have hope. Remember I'm a Romantic and I always hope for the best possible outcome. So, the walk starts. Kinda. The first stroller chosen is to small for my husband to walk with (he's constantly walking on the wheels). So, he goes back to the garage to get the double jogging stroller. 10 minutes later after pumping up all the wheels on the stroller he emerges from the garage. Rose in the meantime has been doing figure eights on her bike in the pool parking lot as I let the dog smell everything. So the walk officially begins. I won't bore everyone with the details, but just hit the highlights. Rose, God bless her, really does a pretty good job listening and trying to stay a safe distance to us, but we honestly spend the entire time watching her stretch the boundaries. Lily stays in the stroller about a 1/4 of the time and then tries chasing after Rose the rest. Which left my husband walking the empty stroller. (So glad we pumped up the tires.) Our dog, which is just a little welsh terrier, thinks she is the biggest dog in the neighborhood pulls my arm out of socket each time we pass a dog. Yes, she's thinks she the Alpha.
By the time the walk ends it in no way resembled my initial idea. Of course they never do. What I can say is we'll try the walk again on the next sunny Sunday and pray for a better outcome. The one thing about life is that it's never the ideal, romantic fantasy I imagine; it's the beautiful struggles that make us who we are and more importantly the family that we are.

blog worthy

Comments from my girls...

"Lily, I'm glad your my sister." -Rose

"Look mommy! The flowers are blooming." -Lily's first words to me this morning.
(And yes, my rhododendron got it's first bloom.)

The ending scene of Big Mama's House has a church chorus and congregation doing some serious singing and dancing. This was my conversation with Rose. "Mommy what kind of church is that?" "Well, Rose I'm going to guess that it is a Baptist church." "Oh, Mom those Baptist look like they are having a fun time. Can we be Baptist?" "Go ask you Dad."

"That's disgusting....." - Lily referring to the cat vomit I was cleaning up on the floor. "Why Lily, are you going to eat it?" -Rose

"I ate a lollipop once when I was kid." -Lily

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Blog

Well, after reading a blog of my friend's wife she has inspired me to start my own little blog. I guess primarily this blog is for my family and friends that I don't get to see on a regular basis. Since our entire family is at least 6 hours away hopefully this will be a way for them to know about the little things that happen to us on a daily basis....

There won't be poetry or world renowned writing (in fact be prepared for poor spelling and bad grammar), but my goal is to share our fun, zany, and bad days!

And on to uncharted territory.