Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday at Church

We woke up late this Sunday... first off I want to add that every bone and especially my left knee are killing me. We went roller skating at the Concord rink yesterday and twice I was literally run over by some crazed kamikaze kids. My body was contorted into gymnastic like positions as to not fall on my child that was skating beside me. But, I digress.

We woke up late this Sunday and slowly started getting ready for church. And somehow managed to get there on time with all children's hair and teeth brushed. Victory! Rose and Lily as usual go to story time. Jack, Evie, and I find a pew on our regular right hand side. Within minutes Evie is grunting. Really grunting. Then smiling. Yep, you know what that means... Blow Out. The families beside know it was a blow out too. We all smile and Evie and I leave with stinky baby poop up to her neck. I make it to the restroom and pray that I have an extra outfit. (She's the third and should honestly be happy I have the diaper bag with me.) And now the process begins.... During this time Father Remo is giving his Homily... that I can hear via the speakers in the bathroom. At least I get to hear it. His Homilies are my favorite part of going to church. So, for the next 10 minutes I slowly change Evie and wash her off as I'm listening. The hidden good part; I got to listen in a quiet room and focus on his message. Victory.

After leaving the bathroom we stayed in the Narthex to listen to rest of the message and waited for Rose and Lily to return from story time so I could help them to our seat. Once seated the last 20 minutes consisted of passing Evie back and forth between Jack and I, holding Lily as we watched Father prepare communion, pass Evie back and forth, help Rose find the right hymn number to sing, and pass Evie back and forth. As we were leaving a woman stopped to tell me that she enjoyed watching our family the last 20 minutes. She said our girls were very cute and well behaved and were impressed that Jack and I stayed calm through it all. ( proof of the power of the holy spirit... I'm thinking.) And above all she was happy that that phase of her life was over. I smile.

This is bascially what our family looks like each Sunday since Evie has been alert during servie. The good news is Evie has only three more weeks until she can go to the nursery during service. Then I know we won't look like the three ring circus. Victory.

1 comment:

cc meluzio said...

That's my girl. Always looking for the bright side when shit happens!
