Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Love My Hubby

They look great don't they? I have planting beds for a little garden! Something I have desperately wanted. And this Mother's Day I was able to fill them up with yummy tomatoes, squash, peppers, and herbs. But, let's rewind four weeks ago when I asked my husband if I could have a small garden down the fence line. He very quickly agreed and thus this simple project began. I had visioned a simple framed garden with tilled soil; but my husband felt that raised planting beds would really be better. I agree. Totally. But, I didn't want him to go through a hassle.

So, he did some quick research on how to make a level bed on a hillside, went and purchased the lumber, and the digging began. About an hour into the project he hits the underground irrigation system... hmmm. I didn't overreact and he headed back to the store to get a repair kit. And then the fun really began. He tried his first idea. It still leaked. He went back to the store and tried his second idea. It still leaked. I think you are getting my drift. Finally, two weeks later the leak was fixed and their was joy in our house once again. But, then honestly the rest of the job went pretty smoothly. Our next door neighbor walked over to the fence and even boasted to Jack about his work. He asked Jack if he was a carpenter by trade. (Perhaps a good fall back career considering the banking industry right now....)
These pictures I posted show him doing his final bit of work. Of course he had to saw rebar in half to keep the lumber sturdy. One thing that I have learned from Jack over the years is he never does a project half way. He ALWAYS commits to do his best to each job he starts. Many times he makes a mistake along the way, but he will take his time (and yes get extremely frustrated) until the mistake is fixed correctly. He really does this with everything in life... whether it's a household fix it job, going to work, cooking a rack of ribs, buying a TV, rooting for the Steelers, or relaxing with a margarita. You'll be he does nothing half-ass.
And so that is one of the many reasons I love love my hubby!


Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

That is awesome! And some of your description of Jack doing a project reminds me of Blake. I am so NOT a perfectionist... I do most stuff half-assed, so it's good that he likes to do stuff right!

Post more pictures when your plants start growing! Did the girls help?

Our Time said...

I'm the half-asser (is that a word) in the family too! It drives Jack nuts. Like when I hang pictures and don't attempt to correctly center it on the wall.