Thursday, January 22, 2009

We interupt the highlight reel.... for 15 Random Facts

Ok Heather tagged me to add 15 Random facts about myself....

Random thoughts....

1. I cried after watching the Brady Bunch Episode when Jan was upset about the middle child. I too am a middle child and had no idea of the emotional injuries until Jan informed me!

2. I was the 4th generation of teachers from my mother's side of the family.

3. In high school my girlfriends and I decided to egg another girls house. We wimped out and only threw 3 eggs at her mailbox.

4. I have 14 house plants.

5. I held the record for most rebounds in one game at my high school.... 24

6. I want to make honey by having my own beehives. For some reason Jack is totally against it.

7. I used to dance around my house to the introduction to the LA Law theme song.

8. Potatoes are my favorite vegetable.

9. I have never had a broken bone. (knock on wood)

10. I have fear of people touching my neck.

11. I always wear two rings: my wedding ring and an Irish Wedding band that I started wearing in College.

12. I don't like when people wear khaki pants and sneakers!!!

13. I coached high school volleyball, basketball, and track.

14. My family calls me "Jackson" or "Jack".... the later became a problem after meeting my husband.

15. I love watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers.


Het said...

I have never noticed the Irish ring? I'll make sure to look next time! Thanks for the fun facts!

Het said...

What a beautiful slide show you have added for our enjoyment! Haha You should check out the cool categories I have added to my blog..

Nana said...

Love the thoughts. I was really proud of myself that the only fact I did not know was that you wanted to make honey!