Sunday, January 25, 2009

Not There Yet

Yesterday the girls and I went to our neighborhood park after taking a little walk. Let me set up the story. For those of you who don't know, our park is small with 4 swings, a jungle gym, and a sand volleyball court. Inevitably, while we are at the park the girls go and play in the sand. Great fun. It had also rained and the sand was nice and packed down you know, perfect for writing. And much to my dismay some teenagers had already written on this blank canvas. Here's what it said. Brandi sucks a$$ crack. Hmm, I thought as we walked to the sand.... do I ignore or hurriedly rush over and erase it? Yet, before I could make my decision Rose was already proudly reading. (Something that my first grader is soooo willing to do now.) Here's what she said... "Brandi sucks a two dollar crack? Mom, that is so weird. Why would anyone suck on a dollar bill?" My comment.... after a sigh of relief knowing that I would not have to explain graffiti and more importantly what Brandi was sucking, "Who knows Rose? Who knows?"
And I thank God that Rose's innocent brain is Not There Yet!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Wish we could all keep our innocence. What a sweet story.