Our first family trip to Disney was so much fun. I was only 3 months pregnant so I was able to enjoy myself. Lily wasn't into the roller coasters and I couldn't ride them, needless to say we made a great team. Jack and Rose were the coaster experts and prided themselves on riding as many as they could. With the extended hours the twosome road Space Mountain until 1:00am! Though their favorite was Expedition Everest. (Because it went backwards Mom! And it had a Yetti!) Rose just keeps going and going. Well, until she stops. ( Note picture above of the girls the day we checked out. Total Crash Out.) It was a great experience for our family. Mainly because it was our first vacation that we took together without extended family. We were able to "be" together... without the distractions of the daily grind. And it did my heart wonders to watch Rose and Jack have some excellent bonding time. (No sock frustrations or not listening... Right, Jack?) We ate ice cream and watched Rose lose a tooth. Lily saw the fireworks from on top of Jack's shoulders. Road it's a Small World endless times. And smiled to many times to count.
Hopefully, in a few years when Evie is ready for her first Disney trip we will have another excellent time.
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