So we had Christmas morning again on December 27th... Mom said no on really knows what day Jesus was born on and that she just wanted all of her children together. I must say I love being with my family.... we are hysterical together... the older we get the more I love each one of them. Miki loves my girls. She showers them with love and gifts gifts gifts, BJ is a constant jungle gym for the girls (he says it's the best birth control for he and his wife) and he is a constant talker.... at any time you have no idea what he is going to say, Vern is my silent brother he enjoys being were the action is and will provide a zinger of a comment when no on is ready, Meghann and her husband are the newlyweds reminding me to appreciate my husband more, Amy is the young college girl enjoying being young and having fun, Tom my crazy, silly, Grateful Dead loving brother is growing up and none of us know what to do. The only one missing was Scott off in Colorado... exploring and loving the snow! Though we miss him we know he's growing and learning. And none of us can fault that!
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