Yesterday the girls and I went to our neighborhood park after taking a little walk. Let me set up the story. For those of you who don't know, our park is small with 4 swings, a jungle gym, and a sand volleyball court. Inevitably, while we are at the park the girls go and play in the sand. Great fun. It had also rained and the sand was nice and packed down you know, perfect for writing. And much to my dismay some teenagers had already written on this blank canvas. Here's what it said. Brandi sucks a$$ crack. Hmm, I thought as we walked to the sand.... do I ignore or hurriedly rush over and erase it? Yet, before I could make my decision Rose was already proudly reading. (Something that my first grader is soooo willing to do now.) Here's what she said... "Brandi sucks a two dollar crack? Mom, that is so weird. Why would anyone suck on a dollar bill?" My comment.... after a sigh of relief knowing that I would not have to explain graffiti and more importantly what Brandi was sucking, "Who knows Rose? Who knows?"
And I thank God that Rose's innocent brain is Not There Yet!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We interupt the highlight reel.... for 15 Random Facts
Ok Heather tagged me to add 15 Random facts about myself....
Random thoughts....
1. I cried after watching the Brady Bunch Episode when Jan was upset about the middle child. I too am a middle child and had no idea of the emotional injuries until Jan informed me!
2. I was the 4th generation of teachers from my mother's side of the family.
3. In high school my girlfriends and I decided to egg another girls house. We wimped out and only threw 3 eggs at her mailbox.
4. I have 14 house plants.
5. I held the record for most rebounds in one game at my high school.... 24
6. I want to make honey by having my own beehives. For some reason Jack is totally against it.
7. I used to dance around my house to the introduction to the LA Law theme song.
8. Potatoes are my favorite vegetable.
9. I have never had a broken bone. (knock on wood)
10. I have fear of people touching my neck.
11. I always wear two rings: my wedding ring and an Irish Wedding band that I started wearing in College.
12. I don't like when people wear khaki pants and sneakers!!!
13. I coached high school volleyball, basketball, and track.
14. My family calls me "Jackson" or "Jack".... the later became a problem after meeting my husband.
15. I love watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers.
Random thoughts....
1. I cried after watching the Brady Bunch Episode when Jan was upset about the middle child. I too am a middle child and had no idea of the emotional injuries until Jan informed me!
2. I was the 4th generation of teachers from my mother's side of the family.
3. In high school my girlfriends and I decided to egg another girls house. We wimped out and only threw 3 eggs at her mailbox.
4. I have 14 house plants.
5. I held the record for most rebounds in one game at my high school.... 24
6. I want to make honey by having my own beehives. For some reason Jack is totally against it.
7. I used to dance around my house to the introduction to the LA Law theme song.
8. Potatoes are my favorite vegetable.
9. I have never had a broken bone. (knock on wood)
10. I have fear of people touching my neck.
11. I always wear two rings: my wedding ring and an Irish Wedding band that I started wearing in College.
12. I don't like when people wear khaki pants and sneakers!!!
13. I coached high school volleyball, basketball, and track.
14. My family calls me "Jackson" or "Jack".... the later became a problem after meeting my husband.
15. I love watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Highlight #4
We opened this discussion to the girls by asking them what were some of their favorite things about last year. And one thing they agreed upon (the agreeing stuff is getting harder and harder these days) is spending the summer at our community pool. If anyone is ever trying to get a hold of me during the months of June, July, or August they should first check at the pool. We are very blessed to have a community pool that is honestly right in our backyard. We grab our towels off the back deck and walk a little over a hundred yards and are greeted with the cool refreshing waters. Hey, with 90 degree heat the only way you can be outside is if you are in the water.
Needless to say, the girls are little fish. So much of my childhood summers revolves around swimming I am happy that my girls will be able to say the same. Rose has been on the swim team for the last two years and just loves to swim. Lily really became brave this year with her swimming. This summer she says she might try the swim team... well only if her friend Ada Grace joins she has informed me.
So our summer pool trips are honestly a highlight to everyone in this family... it is such an inexpensive way to have quality family time.
Needless to say, the girls are little fish. So much of my childhood summers revolves around swimming I am happy that my girls will be able to say the same. Rose has been on the swim team for the last two years and just loves to swim. Lily really became brave this year with her swimming. This summer she says she might try the swim team... well only if her friend Ada Grace joins she has informed me.
So our summer pool trips are honestly a highlight to everyone in this family... it is such an inexpensive way to have quality family time.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Highlights continued...

Our Vacations with family....
Rose posing by the sea oats.
Rose posing by the sea oats.
weeks before Evie...
Hiking at Swallow Falls

Since we don't live close to any family it is very important for us to spend time with our family. Sometimes it's a drive to West Virginia to hang out with Dad and Kim and getting to eat my Dad's fantastico cooking, other times it's going to Deep Creek to be with Jack's Mom and Sister, and then it might be driving to the coast and spending the week with my Mom and Aunts and Uncles. Any way you put it being with family is always a highlight for this family. Since we don't get to be with them during the day to day events I am adament to spend time with them.
Time is passing so quickly and the girls seem to be growing even quicker. I just want them to know The Family... yes, in caps.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2008 Highlight: Our first Disney TRip

Our first family trip to Disney was so much fun. I was only 3 months pregnant so I was able to enjoy myself. Lily wasn't into the roller coasters and I couldn't ride them, needless to say we made a great team. Jack and Rose were the coaster experts and prided themselves on riding as many as they could. With the extended hours the twosome road Space Mountain until 1:00am! Though their favorite was Expedition Everest. (Because it went backwards Mom! And it had a Yetti!) Rose just keeps going and going. Well, until she stops. ( Note picture above of the girls the day we checked out. Total Crash Out.) It was a great experience for our family. Mainly because it was our first vacation that we took together without extended family. We were able to "be" together... without the distractions of the daily grind. And it did my heart wonders to watch Rose and Jack have some excellent bonding time. (No sock frustrations or not listening... Right, Jack?) We ate ice cream and watched Rose lose a tooth. Lily saw the fireworks from on top of Jack's shoulders. Road it's a Small World endless times. And smiled to many times to count.
Hopefully, in a few years when Evie is ready for her first Disney trip we will have another excellent time.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Following Their Lead
I have been reading other friend's blogs and many seem to be counting down their 2008 blessings or highlights. I have been totally into their blogs so, I'm following their lead and doing our own version of OUR HIGHLIGHTS! (Following their lead sounds much better than copycating.)
#1 EVIE !
So, last night Jack and I created our list and the most obvious #1 on our list is ....Evie. When I think of 2008 I automatically think of my pregnancy and the anticipation of Evie's arrival. She has been an amazing baby. I am hoping that her wonderful, playful disposition continues throughout her life. Right now she is full of big smiles and a little chatter box. Our favorite is when she lays on our bed and "talks" to us. Ugh, it is so cute that I pray I remember it always. Maybe because she is our third and probably our last (hey anything can happen) I am not so high strung. With Rose being a mom was totally new... I just didn't want to screw up. With Lily she had colic, so I was just trying to keep my sanity. Now with Evie... all four of us just get to enjoy her!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A Salad You Gotta Try!
A couple of family members asked if I could give them the recipe for the yummy salad we had at Evie's Baptism Lunch... It is a recipe that our good friends shared with us and so it is only right to pass it on. It's named after them...
"The Dooley" Nuts and Noodles Salad
1 Cup Walnuts- Chopped
1 Package Raman Noodles
4 tbsp Butter
1 Bunch Broccoli - Chopped
1 Head Romaine Lettuce
4 Green Onions- Chopped
1 Cup Dressing
Brown Walnuts& Noodles in Butter and Cool
Then mix all ingredients together.
1 Cup Veg. Oil
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
3 tbsp soy sauce
salt to taste
"The Dooley" Nuts and Noodles Salad
1 Cup Walnuts- Chopped
1 Package Raman Noodles
4 tbsp Butter
1 Bunch Broccoli - Chopped
1 Head Romaine Lettuce
4 Green Onions- Chopped
1 Cup Dressing
Brown Walnuts& Noodles in Butter and Cool
Then mix all ingredients together.
1 Cup Veg. Oil
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
3 tbsp soy sauce
salt to taste
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Christmas Continued....
Christmas at mom's... Evie couldn't hang.

Rose got a tee pee from Grandma and Pap!!! I guess we'll be using the Halloween costumes this spring as they hang out in the wigwam.
So we had Christmas morning again on December 27th... Mom said no on really knows what day Jesus was born on and that she just wanted all of her children together. I must say I love being with my family.... we are hysterical together... the older we get the more I love each one of them. Miki loves my girls. She showers them with love and gifts gifts gifts, BJ is a constant jungle gym for the girls (he says it's the best birth control for he and his wife) and he is a constant talker.... at any time you have no idea what he is going to say, Vern is my silent brother he enjoys being were the action is and will provide a zinger of a comment when no on is ready, Meghann and her husband are the newlyweds reminding me to appreciate my husband more, Amy is the young college girl enjoying being young and having fun, Tom my crazy, silly, Grateful Dead loving brother is growing up and none of us know what to do. The only one missing was Scott off in Colorado... exploring and loving the snow! Though we miss him we know he's growing and learning. And none of us can fault that!
Christmas 2008!!

The Altmeyer Family Christmas Tree!!
As always we have a hard time picking a small tree... this one by far has been the biggest, but it was a special year. Our first time having Christmas at home and with our beautiful Evie.
Check out our sweet little girls staying up late on Christmas Eve. I didn't buy new Christmas PJ's like I have in years past... we went "green" and recycled pajamas from past Christmases...they didn't care.
So our first Christmas at home. It was great. Not that going home to WV is not a blast, but it was just sweet to stay at home and not fight holiday traffic and lug our presents 7 hours just to bring them back. But, it was just fun. We made it to Christmas Eve Mass where Lily was a little lamb in the children's performance. Believe it or not Rose got stage fright and could not go on... total proof that my children constantly keep me guessing. Then after Mass we came home had a wonderful meal... getting to use our wedding China (only the 2nd time in 7 1/2 years), and then watched a little Christmas Story until we tucked the girls into bed... I'll never forget Lily swearing that she heard santa and his reindeer on the roof as we were saying prayers for the night.
Of course Christmas morning was perfect... the girls running in and laying in bed wondering if Santa really came. But, even in the mist of all the new Christmas traditions Rose was emphatic that we all line up youngest to oldest as we entered the family room. This is a tradition that my family has done my entire life and when Rose pointed out that we must
also do this I was touched. LONG LIVE THAT TRADITION!
Even though Santa made it to NC this year we still travelled the next day to see WV family... onto the next post.....
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