First Wave of the Attack
Target: Lily
Location: Lily's Bedroom
Time: 0900 hours
Yesterday morning Lily comes running into my room. "Mommy there is a lizard in my drawer!!!!" Obviously, I don't believe her. "Lily go get dressed we are going to be late. There could not be a lizard in your drawer." Lily now starting to cry, "Mommy there really is a lizard in my shirt drawer." I stop dressing and examine if she is telling the truth. "Well is it alive?" "Yes, Mommy!!!" So, the next few minutes are filled with me getting the appropriate lizard catching gear (two cups) and trying to catch this lizard. Which is successfully and safely done ...the lizard was quickly released outside.
Second Wave of the Attack
Target: Diaper Genie
Location: Evie's Bedroom
Time: 1000
Today while vacuuming Evie's room she decided to wage war on the diaper genie. First she figured out how to open it. (This is no small feat. As many of you know who are familiar with the older model of the Diaper Genie.) Then she began filling it up. With what you ask.... clean diapers of course. Lots of clean diapers. Then once she was done with the diapers she moved on to other things she could reach on the diaper table. By the time she was done the genie was over flowing and I was done vacuuming... which allowed me to move on to cleaning up the diaper genie.
More waves of the Attack on Mom to come.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blog Catch-Up
October has flown by and now I'm in the middle of November... so, before time totally escapes here's what we've been up to...
My brother came to visit...and Uncle Vern is always a hit with the girls. Rose and Lily's favorite past time with him was playing hair salon and putting bows and ribbons in his hair. I can't tell you what a great sport he was. We also got to go to the pumpkin patch. (Vern's first time ever.) And as you can see in this picture Evie has warmed up to him with no problem. Our littlest one is having the classic case of separation anxiety and whenever she goes to someone it really warms my heart. I would say though the highlight of Vern's visit was going to see Metallica in concert. What a BLAST and what a coooool rocking band they were. I can't tell you what a unbelievable concert it was, but it was. Vern did some classic air guitar and I learned the classic hard rock concert fist pump!!! Sweet.
Our next big event was Lily getting her training wheels taken off. As you can see in the picture she has mastered two wheels with ease. One day she just looked at me and said she was done with the training wheels and was ready to be a big girl. So we took them off and within a few minutes she was off. This step in childhood is one of my absolute favorites. The pride, joy, exhilaration that is on your child's face is priceless. (And yes, it feels like yesterday that I was watching Rose do the same thing.) I will say though, that Lily has already had some daredevil bike riding disasters, but she always gets back on!
Of course one of the best parts of the fall is the leaves. And this year they were in full color. We've had some phenomenal weather paired with kite flying, leaf jumping, swinging , and just all day playing outside. I know that NC has nothing on WV for fall fun, but this time of year is just the best!
Next, we had Mom and Carmen down for Halloween. (The weather was awful....) But, we still were able to carve pumpkins and enjoy time with them. Mom was the supreme candy giver on Halloween night...surprising us with a little Rag Doll costume when we returned from trick or treating. This year Rose and Lily decided that they should dress as Hannah Montana. Not the most creative costumes, but they loved it. This year has been about Hannah. Because it was so warm during trick or treating the girls both threw off their wigs and decided they were just rock stars. "Mommy this wig is way tooo hot. I don't know how Miley does it?" As was told to me while a wig was being thrown at me in route to another house.
So, that's about it for now. On to November!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Rose at the Public Library
Most of you know that Rose loves to read. She definitely loves to read more than I did at her age. Some days she can sit for an hour and devour a book. Therefore, periodically we go to the library to fill-up on reading materials. Right now her favorite author is Daisy Meadows. I know not a Caldacott award winning author, but her fairy characters have captured sweet Rose's brain.
Upon arriving at the library Rose takes a B-line to the Daisy Meadows' books... the lady has written about 40 books on various fairies, so there is always a book Rose hasn't read. But, on our most recent venture to the library Rose could not find a single book by this author. When she found this out Rose states rather loudly for the Library, "Oh, NO! There are none left? Mommy where did they go? I know this is the spot they should be!" The Librarian who is in earshot comments that quite a few little girls came in that day and had cleared them out. But Rose could check the cart of books needing reshelved for any.
She takes a mad dash over to the cart and finds "The Sunflower Fairy"...and lets me know that she will continue looking while we go over to the picture book area for a while. After spending a few moments with Lily and Evie looking at their books Rose returns. "Mommy, the Librarian said that she could save Daisy Meadows books for me and let us know when someone returns them!"
Now the fun begins. We all go back to the Librarian and she explains the book reservation policy. I agree to let Rose get a few and she excitedly starts jumping up and down.
She then looks very seriously at the Librarian and states, "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course."
"When I read the Daisy Meadows' books it's like I fall into the book and am really there with the characters."
Now the Librarian's eyes get very big and a wide smile crosses her face, "That is WONDERFUL. How many books would you like to reserve?" OK Rose has totally won this lady over and she probably would have let us get all 40. Because for the next ten minutes she carefully helps Rose select the books she hasn't read... reading title after title from the computer's card catalogue. I had to stop the reserving at 4 saying, "We can always come back."
What a fun conversation to watch unfold, and as an X- English teacher my heart was proud.
Upon arriving at the library Rose takes a B-line to the Daisy Meadows' books... the lady has written about 40 books on various fairies, so there is always a book Rose hasn't read. But, on our most recent venture to the library Rose could not find a single book by this author. When she found this out Rose states rather loudly for the Library, "Oh, NO! There are none left? Mommy where did they go? I know this is the spot they should be!" The Librarian who is in earshot comments that quite a few little girls came in that day and had cleared them out. But Rose could check the cart of books needing reshelved for any.
She takes a mad dash over to the cart and finds "The Sunflower Fairy"...and lets me know that she will continue looking while we go over to the picture book area for a while. After spending a few moments with Lily and Evie looking at their books Rose returns. "Mommy, the Librarian said that she could save Daisy Meadows books for me and let us know when someone returns them!"
Now the fun begins. We all go back to the Librarian and she explains the book reservation policy. I agree to let Rose get a few and she excitedly starts jumping up and down.
She then looks very seriously at the Librarian and states, "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course."
"When I read the Daisy Meadows' books it's like I fall into the book and am really there with the characters."
Now the Librarian's eyes get very big and a wide smile crosses her face, "That is WONDERFUL. How many books would you like to reserve?" OK Rose has totally won this lady over and she probably would have let us get all 40. Because for the next ten minutes she carefully helps Rose select the books she hasn't read... reading title after title from the computer's card catalogue. I had to stop the reserving at 4 saying, "We can always come back."
What a fun conversation to watch unfold, and as an X- English teacher my heart was proud.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tri It!
OK so here are two pictures from the triathlon! Het, Becky, and I did it!
What a great experience and something that could be totally addictive. Training for this was hard, but amazing... waking up at 6:40 to run is something that is pretty unheard of for me. And getting to sneak away on Wednesday evenings with Heather to bike, run, or/and swim was really a treat... ya know girl time. 
I am so thankful and blessed to have two girlfriends that went along with my crazy idea 6 months ago to do this event. It was a great journey to get myself in shape and to show my girls that working out can be such a rewarding and fun experience.
Now the goal is to get through the holidays and continue staying in shape. Another goal possibly? Het's mentioned a 5k... a 10k??
Monday, October 12, 2009
A conversation with Lily
When Lily is in the car we listen to music. More specifically we listen to the Hannah Montana Movie CD. (The one that I burned over a month ago because I thought it would be fun to listen to something other than Kid Bop 14... which we've listened to for almost a year now) So, on our way to ballet it was just Lily and I in the car and I wanted to use this time for a quality conversation..... Here is a glorious replay.
"Mommy turn on the music."
"Lily, I don't want to listen to Hannah Montana."
"OK, Mommy can I please listen to Hannah Montana."
"It's not the please. I just wanted to talk to you."
"OK Mommy." Insert annoyed 5 year old voice. this point I really didn't have a conversation to start, so I struggle....
"Lily, why do we have trees?" Told you I was struggling.
"So, when it rains we can stand under them so we won't get wet."
Pause for a better question...
"That's a good point. What's your favorite flower?"
"Lily"... ok really struggling at this point. I decide to redirect to something that I know she likes.
"So, what is it about Hannah Montana that you really like?"
"Her songs."
"Okay, but what about her songs do you like?"
"I like that they rock!"
"Yeah, they do rock! But, what about the words do you like?" Total English teacher popping out.
" I don't know. I like how they are fast."
...... long pause........
"Mommy can we listen to Hannah Montana?? Now??"
Insert rad guitar and rocking drum beat........."And it's the best of both worlds."
"Mommy turn on the music."
"Lily, I don't want to listen to Hannah Montana."
"OK, Mommy can I please listen to Hannah Montana."
"It's not the please. I just wanted to talk to you."
"OK Mommy." Insert annoyed 5 year old voice. this point I really didn't have a conversation to start, so I struggle....
"Lily, why do we have trees?" Told you I was struggling.
"So, when it rains we can stand under them so we won't get wet."
Pause for a better question...
"That's a good point. What's your favorite flower?"
"Lily"... ok really struggling at this point. I decide to redirect to something that I know she likes.
"So, what is it about Hannah Montana that you really like?"
"Her songs."
"Okay, but what about her songs do you like?"
"I like that they rock!"
"Yeah, they do rock! But, what about the words do you like?" Total English teacher popping out.
" I don't know. I like how they are fast."
...... long pause........
"Mommy can we listen to Hannah Montana?? Now??"
Insert rad guitar and rocking drum beat........."And it's the best of both worlds."
Friday, October 2, 2009
Baby Jack
Evie's One!
...."smiles a lot" according to Lily.
... tries to keep up with her older sisters.
... doesn't let her big sisters push her around.
... doesn't want to eat baby food, but table food.
... goes to sleep when you sing, "You are my sunshine".
... is into EVERYTHING! She is so busy.
... loves to snuggle with me in the middle of the night.
... thinks ice cream is divine!
... fed herself applesauce last night with a spoon.
... says, "Up Up Up" with her hands reaching towards me.
... that Evie has a cheesy smile when she's really happy. (check out the last picture)
... that she is our " Evie Do Do"
So, as you can see we had a great 1st birthday in DC visiting Jack's sister and family. Will have to post pictures of AMA's new baby! The girls enjoyed the beautiful day by playing outside and then going to the park. We had a very nice and small birthday party after a scumptious dinner with AMA, Grammie, Brian, Ryan, Aunt Mary Rose, Rose, Lily, Daddy, and Me! Oh, what fun and joy this year has been. We can't wait to see what else our littlest flower, Camellia gets into.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lily's 5
And Lily is 5. My little blue-eyed stylish girl is 5. The little girl who wants to wear a dress everyday, have her nails painted, but still cuddle on my lap is 5.
Here is her birthday dinner. This year Lily asked for Mac and Cheese and watermelon. Jack insisted that we had some meat, so she said some cow would be fine.
Here she is with Ada Grace, her "barbie friend", getting one of the 8 barbies she had to have. The girl is nutso about Barbies... tattoo barbie, Rapunzel barbie, three musketeer barbie, Hannah Montana barbie, hair salon barbie, cherry red Ferrari barbie, the very first barbie, and cheerleader barbie.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A week in the life of a toddler...
So here's a quick run down of Evie's activities this week...
*poured 34oz of coffee onto the kitchen floor (coffee and other potential hazards have been removed from bottom shelf of pantry.)
*ate handful of dog's food (note that baby can now open Tupperware.)
* tried to eat hand sanitizer (which has now been taken from the girls bathroom. Lily had used it and left it at baby's eye level.)
* tried to eat diaper cream (note that baby can now open diaper cream tube.)
* dug in plant and threw dirt on floor (I'm still staying strong on not moving house plants... working on "no no")
* tried to climb out of high chair (note high chair is 8 years old and no longer has belt to keep her in.... next will be booster seat that she can still be fastened into)
* took off the child proof safety plug for the electrical outlet (this was accomplished by using teeth to pry it out of socket.)
*ate Q-tips and toilet paper (drawer locks have been purchased.)
* and finally the ever popular putting hands in the toilet bowl!!
Wow. What a stage we are at in little Evie's life. She is in constant motion and interested in EVERYTHING! I love her sooo much, but this one's keepin' me on my toes!
*poured 34oz of coffee onto the kitchen floor (coffee and other potential hazards have been removed from bottom shelf of pantry.)
*ate handful of dog's food (note that baby can now open Tupperware.)
* tried to eat hand sanitizer (which has now been taken from the girls bathroom. Lily had used it and left it at baby's eye level.)
* tried to eat diaper cream (note that baby can now open diaper cream tube.)
* dug in plant and threw dirt on floor (I'm still staying strong on not moving house plants... working on "no no")
* tried to climb out of high chair (note high chair is 8 years old and no longer has belt to keep her in.... next will be booster seat that she can still be fastened into)
* took off the child proof safety plug for the electrical outlet (this was accomplished by using teeth to pry it out of socket.)
*ate Q-tips and toilet paper (drawer locks have been purchased.)
* and finally the ever popular putting hands in the toilet bowl!!
Wow. What a stage we are at in little Evie's life. She is in constant motion and interested in EVERYTHING! I love her sooo much, but this one's keepin' me on my toes!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This summer I've been waking before the girls and running. Main point: I hate to run. Loathe it in fact. I've played sports all my life, but have never gotten any joy from running. So, for me to wake and purposely put running shoes on is a major accomplishment. You see all this running is for a mini-triathlon. A goal to get into shape post baby #3, and for the most part it has worked. I just want to finish this thing.
Myself, along with my friends Heather and Becky S. will be attempting to complete the 250 meter swim, 9 mile bike ride, and 2 mile run. I know it totally sounds "do"able. But, I hate to run...never understood a runner and why they would intentionally kill their lungs. In fact, the idea of running a mile is drudgery. OK got my point. Right?
So, this past Saturday I finally had a break through. I ran the 2 mile loop in my "hilly" neighborhood without stopping. (All runners my interject laughter at this point!) But, it was huge for me. The girl who hates to run finally got it. The fun in the run.... For the first time in my life I didn't suck wind and yes, got some enjoyment out of running. I don't think I will become a runner, but I'm starting to see the effect of some training. Maybe it's a little late in the training, but it happened.
Now I need to get on a bike. Hey, it's only 4 weeks away!!!! Ugh.
Myself, along with my friends Heather and Becky S. will be attempting to complete the 250 meter swim, 9 mile bike ride, and 2 mile run. I know it totally sounds "do"able. But, I hate to run...never understood a runner and why they would intentionally kill their lungs. In fact, the idea of running a mile is drudgery. OK got my point. Right?
So, this past Saturday I finally had a break through. I ran the 2 mile loop in my "hilly" neighborhood without stopping. (All runners my interject laughter at this point!) But, it was huge for me. The girl who hates to run finally got it. The fun in the run.... For the first time in my life I didn't suck wind and yes, got some enjoyment out of running. I don't think I will become a runner, but I'm starting to see the effect of some training. Maybe it's a little late in the training, but it happened.
Now I need to get on a bike. Hey, it's only 4 weeks away!!!! Ugh.
Monday, August 17, 2009
One Last Hurrah!
Notice Uncle Jim and his "serious ladder golf face" . Not too bad for a man who conducted the science experiment of pulling a hamstring!!!! (Note to all 50 year old men should not do splits and skim board.)
Evie with her usual face...
eating her usual dose of sand. I'm not sure how much sand she consumed this summer.
Pap taking the girls out for a swim. Rose became very fearful of jelly fish this year. Finally the last hour she broke down and boggie boarded. She rocked it too!

This year's group... there will be more next year! (click on this one to see it better)

eating her usual dose of sand. I'm not sure how much sand she consumed this summer.
This year's group... there will be more next year! (click on this one to see it better)
Last week the girls and I had one last summer trip to the beach. This time we were lucky enough to go to Topsail, a favorite place of my mom, Aunts, and Uncles. We spent three rainy days at the beach, but still had a blast. Honestly, it rained each day we were there for at least 4 hours. Then luckily the sky would clear and we would be blessed with a few hours of beach time. Which in turn meant dinner was always later... but, when at the beach you take your beach time slow.
As always I enjoy being with my Aunts and Uncles they are funny, outspoken, and always real. Each year I know I will be exposed to CNN in the background, thus sometimes sparking a debate about a topic that I will be newly informed. (Yet the men in turn were all watching Ellen one morning. This one I still can't figure out. They said it was on for Rose and Lily.....hmmm) I'll also get to be part of boisterous laughter that could break out at any moment. They all are honestly some of the loudest laughers ever. I also know that some fierce games of ladder golf will be played... complete with boisterous laughter, mouth dropping expletives, and gregarious gestures. All of these things I LOVE.
The only picture I didn't get was Mom playing beer pong.... don't get to crazed the cups were filled with water. It was just about the competition.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The kids of the OIB
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
233 in the OIB
233 in the OIB

Rose ridin some waves.
Lily ridin with the girls.

Pool time after the beach.

Rose ridin some waves.
Lily ridin with the girls.
Pool time after the beach.
Dance party led by "crazy uncle patrick".
This 4th, as with most 4th of Julys, we spent it with my husband's high school buddies and their families. A total of five families spent the week together... consisting of 6 men who have been friends since college, high school, and even younger, 4 babies, 9 children (ages 11 to 3), 4 nursing mothers, one pregnant mom, and a house that held 15 people.
Hmm. You thinking how does that work? ...for the most part well.
Our food was planned flawlessly. Each family was responsible for cooking one evening meal during the week, we had a pizza night, and takeout night. The kids got along great... one mom at the beginning of the week announced that there would be no tattle telling, and that there were plently of other kids to play with if they wanted. This statement prooved to be effective. I can count on my right hand how many kiddy problems we had. So, our week was spent at the beach (even in the rain), at the "hot tubs", playing in the pool out back, going crabbing, and just hanging out with everyone. We even had an ER visit when Sonny Brown broke his collar bone catching a pass. Who knew the sand would be so hard! But, he was such a trooper and had a great time regardless.
I must also mention that we did have story time one evening with Dogpound aka Mr. Rogers reading "Goodnight America". I was moved to tears. Literally.
As expected the boys acted like boys except for the sad and shocking fact that cannon ball alley never officially opened. They won't admit it, but I think they are getting old.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How many times have I wanted to jump in my pick-up "Joey" and drive? White knuckled wearing a cowboyhat listening to Willie...on the road again
On the road again -Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
On the road again -Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
So, 10 years ago we were on the road...driving across this fabulous country of ours. We laughed so much and were
Goin' places that I've never been.Seein' things that I may never see again
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
And now a few weeks ago we were able to relive a little of our adventureous side and visit Charleston. It, without overstating this point to much, was wonderful. Jumping into "Big Bluey" heading down the highway and looking for some adventure was awesome. No corn nuts this time, but still excellent conversations about where we are in our lives.Goin' places that I've never been.Seein' things that I may never see again
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
Insisting that the world keep turning our way
And knowing my sweet friend as long as I have I always think of this line a realize how truly blessed I've been having her in my life. Through all types of adventures...and stories that are never short.
And our way is on the road again.Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is makin' music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highwayWe're the best of friends
Insisting that the world keep turning our way
And our way is on the road again.Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is makin' music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highwayWe're the best of friends
Insisting that the world keep turning our way
Stac, as always is full of life, and as always pushes me to see life differently. Stopping to talk to potters in the market, talking to farmers at the farmers market, and talking to a shop keeper at a children's store. (lots of talking as you can see) And honestly, just as I was about to give her my "good grief" look her conversation with the shop keeper landed us on the best adventure ever! One that involved dirt roads, spanish moss, and pristine beaches. And as always I'm amazed.
And our wayis on the road again.Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is makin' music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.And I can't wait to get on the road again.
And our wayis on the road again.Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is makin' music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.And I can't wait to get on the road again.
We had a great time taking things One Piece at a Time...enjoying a 2 hour meal, taking in a pint at the Irish Pub, sweating to death camping, enjoying quiet beach time, and being life long friends. So, here's to many more adventures...that probably will involved wide eyed little girls watching their mommies kickin it up live one time for my homies....cha ching...schmriken la dochie. Hey, someones gotta teach them to Live Outloud!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Lady Bug, Lady Bug Fly Away Home
Here is the tap version of Lily's recital! There also is a cameo of Rose, Nathan, and Evie!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
This took forever to download..... But, here's Lily in the ballet part of the recital
Lily's Ballet Performance
Monday, June 15, 2009
Strawberry Picking 2009 Edition
This was Evie's first year and somehow we managed. I had her baby bjorned. She was a quick hand though, sometimes grabbing the strawberries from me before they made it into the basket. I would be lying if one didn't make it in her mouth. Joining us on our adventure were some of my favorite people, the Hoods.
Ava is now 2 and a half and totally enjoyed eating as many berries as she could. Brigg is 7 (he and Rose played soccer and went to preschool together) and enjoyed throwing the "rotten" ones. The picture above is a pretty good action shot of Ava spilling her basket and Evie getting ready to sneak one of Lily's strawberries. Don't forget to click on it to get the full detailed shot!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The ones that got away!!!

OK here are some of the pics that didn't make the cut... The first one Lily is really workin' the camera. And during this pose another photgrapher walked over and was trying to get the girls to say, "pickle". Lily was game, but Rose kept looking at me and shaking her head. She was honestly at a total loss on why they should be saying that. She's getting to be a little to old for that stuff I guess.
Wanted to share some cute pics

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Love My Hubby
So, he did some quick research on how to make a level bed on a hillside, went and purchased the lumber, and the digging began. About an hour into the project he hits the underground irrigation system... hmmm. I didn't overreact and he headed back to the store to get a repair kit. And then the fun really began. He tried his first idea. It still leaked. He went back to the store and tried his second idea. It still leaked. I think you are getting my drift. Finally, two weeks later the leak was fixed and their was joy in our house once again. But, then honestly the rest of the job went pretty smoothly. Our next door neighbor walked over to the fence and even boasted to Jack about his work. He asked Jack if he was a carpenter by trade. (Perhaps a good fall back career considering the banking industry right now....)
These pictures I posted show him doing his final bit of work. Of course he had to saw rebar in half to keep the lumber sturdy. One thing that I have learned from Jack over the years is he never does a project half way. He ALWAYS commits to do his best to each job he starts. Many times he makes a mistake along the way, but he will take his time (and yes get extremely frustrated) until the mistake is fixed correctly. He really does this with everything in life... whether it's a household fix it job, going to work, cooking a rack of ribs, buying a TV, rooting for the Steelers, or relaxing with a margarita. You'll be he does nothing half-ass.
And so that is one of the many reasons I love love my hubby!
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