...."smiles a lot" according to Lily.
... tries to keep up with her older sisters.
... doesn't let her big sisters push her around.
... doesn't want to eat baby food, but table food.
... goes to sleep when you sing, "You are my sunshine".
... is into EVERYTHING! She is so busy.
... loves to snuggle with me in the middle of the night.
... thinks ice cream is divine!
... fed herself applesauce last night with a spoon.
... says, "Up Up Up" with her hands reaching towards me.
... that Evie has a cheesy smile when she's really happy. (check out the last picture)
... that she is our " Evie Do Do"
So, as you can see we had a great 1st birthday in DC visiting Jack's sister and family. Will have to post pictures of AMA's new baby! The girls enjoyed the beautiful day by playing outside and then going to the park. We had a very nice and small birthday party after a scumptious dinner with AMA, Grammie, Brian, Ryan, Aunt Mary Rose, Rose, Lily, Daddy, and Me! Oh, what fun and joy this year has been. We can't wait to see what else our littlest flower, Camellia gets into.
You made the switch to blogger..love it. Think I will follow along shortly. What cute pictures of Evie Do! She is not going to let anyone in our crazy clan push her around! Cannot believe she is already one! What fun to watch our kids grow up together!
Happy birthday, Evie! I hope we get to meet you soon!
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