Friday, December 11, 2009

From the Trenches of Mothering

First Wave of the Attack
Target: Lily
Location: Lily's Bedroom
Time: 0900 hours
Yesterday morning Lily comes running into my room. "Mommy there is a lizard in my drawer!!!!" Obviously, I don't believe her. "Lily go get dressed we are going to be late. There could not be a lizard in your drawer." Lily now starting to cry, "Mommy there really is a lizard in my shirt drawer." I stop dressing and examine if she is telling the truth. "Well is it alive?" "Yes, Mommy!!!" So, the next few minutes are filled with me getting the appropriate lizard catching gear (two cups) and trying to catch this lizard. Which is successfully and safely done ...the lizard was quickly released outside.

Second Wave of the Attack
Target: Diaper Genie
Location: Evie's Bedroom
Time: 1000
Today while vacuuming Evie's room she decided to wage war on the diaper genie. First she figured out how to open it. (This is no small feat. As many of you know who are familiar with the older model of the Diaper Genie.) Then she began filling it up. With what you ask.... clean diapers of course. Lots of clean diapers. Then once she was done with the diapers she moved on to other things she could reach on the diaper table. By the time she was done the genie was over flowing and I was done vacuuming... which allowed me to move on to cleaning up the diaper genie.

More waves of the Attack on Mom to come.

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