Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

FYI If you click on the picture you can see it much larger.... kinda huge actually.

Here's Jack and Rose before they left for the dance last night. According to them they had an awesome time!

Here's the run down:

* Rose started the Train for a big group of girls.

* Jack and Rose's favorite dances were the Macarena and that McDonald's commercial song that goes "Slide to the right, Slide to the left"

* At one time during the dance Rose was on top of Jack's shoulders.

* They served a pineapple sprite punch that Rose said was great. (She ate a few tomatoes, strawberries, cheese, and grapes.)

* Rose ran around acting crazy with her pal Andreea.

* Jack talked to a few other dad's, but just enjoyed watching Rose do her thing.

* After the dance they went out for ice cream with Sophia and her Dad. Yes, Rose totally broke her Lenten "no sweets"promise, but Jack said that it was a special night. Hey, she's only 7.

1 comment:

Nana said...

very cute couple!