Saturday, May 24, 2008


Just wanted to share a great moment.... I was busy cleaning the kitchen after our baking explosion for Memorial Day parties and the girls were playing in the family room. They have spent the morning creating a blanket fort. (A great Saturday morning past time in my book) Anyways I digress, I hear Rose reading. Yep, she just picked up this cute book about ants and starts reading it with as much enthusiasm and expression as I always give it. But, the cutest part is Lily is sitting there beside her listening very intently. I am such a sap for moments like these...
Mainly impart because we read to our girls every night for 20 minutes. We have done this since they were days old. And watching my children in such a simple moment just as this lets me know that they love to read... you know without prompting or not because it's part of the bedtime routine. And ultimately they chose to read instead of turning on the TV.
So, ya'hoo for reading and the joys of childhood!

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