Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Joni and Tim

I just have to share some pictures from our Spring Break get-a-way to see Tim and Joni. Obviously, we had a blast going to the beach, seeing the sea turtle rescue center, going to the Florida nature preserve, watching the local men fish off the pier, hanging out at the craft fair and feeding fish, swimming in the pool in the backyard, playing at three different parks, looking for stray alligators, watching the girls play with the neighbor kids, and getting lost on my run. (the last was not fun, just noteworthy) But, I have to blog about how energizing it is to be with the Gooley's. We had such a blast being around such a positive and fun couple who have made their marriage work.... and raise 4 terrific men in the process. Watching the two of them be kind and giving to each other throughout the day and listening to their "banter" is something to smile at. They have a certain way of making you feel totally at home and part of them. If you check the pictures out you'll see that Tim would entertain the girls in the evening with some guitar playin'. Rose, of course, was accompanying him on the bongos and bell. I wish I would have gotten a fun picture of Joni with the girls, but she honestly is a ball of energy and we were having so much fun I didn't stop long enough to take a picture.
I won't forget when I first met them about 10 years ago. We had a little cookout on their patio and talked into the evening. I knew exactly why Jack had brought me to FL to visit with them. This time we got to sit and have another cookout... a little more chaos with three children, but still enjoying their insights.
They are quickly approaching their next big adventure: adopting three children from Ethiopia. After you finish reading this please say a prayer for them as they begin this new chapter in their lives. I know they will embrace and love these children like no other couple could... and I'm looking forward to learning more from them.

The bongos were a huge hit with the girls. Lily wanted Evie to get in on the action... and Rose, well she was wide open!

Spring at the Beach

Just wanted to share some beach pictures from Spring Break in Florida. The weather was mild, but the water was chilly. Rose, Lily, and Jack all got in the ocean and played around, but I stayed on the beach and took the pictures. It was just a little too chilly for me.

This is also Evie's first time at the beach and she did pretty well. We only stayed for about 2 hours and she handled it o.k. Jack dipped her once in the ocean. I think this picture was taken pre-dip. Because she is not crying here. (I'm always amazed at how blue the ocean is.) The Carolina coast is the deep blue/green.

Oh, check out my hunky husband... he's been working out. uh huh!

The other picture of Evie just shows her fascination with the entire scene.... surf, sand, sun, and shells. She did well sitting on the sand trying to eat it as well as putting the shells in her mouth. I know this summer on our beach vacation she is going to be wide open. Those with us will be hearing a lot of, "Don't eat the sand, Evie!"


Oh, the joys of Easter. We started the morning off with our Easter egg hunt and Easter basket hunt. Jack's family always had the bunny hide the baskets. My family's bunny always hid the colored eggs. So, we've combined them and just have lots of hidden things in our house. All eggs were found, and as you can see by Lily there was much joy involved!

After our hunting the girls got all gussied up and ready for church. We actually got ourselves to mass early and were able to have a seat for service. (no small feat in our family) Our service was beautiful. Afterwards we booked it to our neighbor's church service. They had invited us and Jack was determined to go! Again, another amazing service.

Afterwards we headed home to relax until, we had a yummy dinner of Lamb with all the fixins'... Rose is still convinced we ate beef. She said she wouldn't eat a little lamb. Oh, Rose if you only knew??
What a beautiful day........

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Parental Experiment #1

As all experiments go from what I remember from High School Science class... we should have a hypothesis (a problem and how to solve it), my method to reach solution, and results of said research. Here we go...

This study involves two adolescent girls ages 4 and 7 that have unexplained problem of bathing. Problems that occur during bathing are, but not limited to: inability to find soap in bath tub, unable to keep water in tub, confusion in washing hair, not sure of proper water temperature, unsure how too many toys got into bath tub, once soap found just plain unsure how to manipulate wash cloth with soap on body. Problems seem to arise after years of parental demonstrating and assisting said girls in proper bathing techniques. Solution to problem is help girls learn Independence in bathing.

After brief collaboration parents decide to do nothing when girls take bath last evening. (The nothing meaning... let the girls get in tub and see what happens.) Our hopeful response would be that the girls noting lack of parental structure would eventually decide to clean themselves.

After approximately ONE HOUR of being in the bath tub the paternal adult had had enough and informed the girls that it was time for bed. The response of 7 year old girl was, "But Daddy we haven't washed ourselves yet." Response of 4 year old girl was, "I don't know where the soap is!" Maternal parent would have liked to have seen how long girls would have stayed in tub. (2 hours possibly?)

This hypothesis has totally failed. Girls gained no Independence and just got to bed an hour later than usual. (Parents did try the experiment not on a school night.) Parents still in quandary about bathing.